Thursday, September 4, 2008

Helen in hot water over GQ interview

Helen Mirren has enraged a number of people over comments in a recent interview, where her earlier admission about date rape in her youth was revisited. Her remarks have been widely quoted, mis-quoted, commented upon and reacted to during the past few days. A number of people have written to the HMAS, either thinking they were addressing Helen herself or simply to say "how can you people admire such a person who said...". Some people have been sincere, upset and confused, others have been merely abusive, including sending death threats and flooding the fan club's inbox with obscenities.

The Helen Mirren Appreciation Society does not speak for Helen in any way, but over the 11 years we've been a formal organisation, we've had the pleasure of meeting Helen on several occasions and our impressions are clear: Helen is a genuinely kind, caring, decent and thoroughly "normal" woman. She doesn't watch her words like a politician, trained in communication and PR skills. Sometimes she says things that get people riled up. In a friendly interview situation, she speaks like you and I do with our friends, and not as someone aware of the impact her words might have on the world - particularly when taken out of context.

From our mailbox, It seems as if people have jumped to a variety of conclusions and impressions from third-person reports and partial quotes, taken out of context. People have attributed motives - for instance that Helen was offering advice or telling women what they could, should or shouldn't do - where we believe no such motives exist. As said before, we don't speak on Helen's behalf, but we believe that these are, in fact, inaccurate assumptions.

One of the reasons we admire Helen Mirren is because she doesn't behave or speak like someone the world should pay a whole lot of attention to - except when she's doing her job. She talks like your friends do, like you do - even when she's giving an interview and a tape recorder is running. Would she be better off if she were more aware of the size of the megaphone and the impact her words could have? Probably. Would the world be better off if Helen stopped talking like a real person, all flesh and fallibility, unguarded and without pretense? Not in our minds.

Here is the related segment from the GQ interview by Piers Morgan, in its entirety: (warning: some expletives used)

PM: You have hinted at the fact that you were date-raped when you were younger, more than once.
HM: I was, yes. A couple of times. Not with excessive violence, or being hit, but rather being locked in a room and made to have sex against my will.

PM: But you didn’t report it to the police?
HM: No, you just couldn’t do that in those days. It’s such a tricky area, isn’t it? Especially if there is no violence. I mean, look at Mike Tyson. I don’t think he was a rapist.

PM: Do you think if a woman voluntarily ends up in a man’s bedroom takes all her clothes off and engages in sexual activity in bed with him, she should always have the right to say “no” right to the last second, and if the man ignores her then it’s rape?

HM: Yes. But I don’t think she can have that man into court under those circumstances. I guess it is one of the many subtle parts of the men/women relationship that has to be negotiated. Times have changed. I hate young girls gong around beating each other up, but I love the fierceness of young girls nowadays, and the way they just say, “fuck off”, because I wish I’d been taught to say “fuck off!” when I was younger. I wish I’d had those words in my arsenal of self-defence. Instead, I was polite and didn’t have the courage to say that to men who wouldn’t accept “no” for an answer. I was pretty naïve, I went to a convent school until I was 18, and had never spent a night away from home, or gone to parties, or any of that. So I was very innocent when I went to college in London, and I was living on my own. And I found guys were horrible – mean, rude, insulting, and so without feeling. And I was looking for love and for someone who just liked me, made me laugh and was nice to me. And instead I just met all these creeps.

PM: What would you like your epitaph to be?
HM: “What’s next?”


Anonymous said...

First of all, I totally support this post! I just can't believe that there are still people out there, who take these "partly quotes", which are taken out of whole interviews, so seriously. I always assumed that most of the people already knew that many media-sources are mainly interested in "sensation" and stirring things up. If they would only use Google, they would see that you can find various different versions of things that are said, all put in a different light, with other words and in another context. This way, you can interpret it any way you like.
It's so sad to learn that people are feeling such rage, hurt and aggression because of this. And media should also watch what they are doing, especially with such delicate subjects! Personally, I don't see the problem with the things Helen said in this interview. One of the things I like about her, is the fact that she remained a "real person". It's really refreshing, and I hope she'll never lose that!

Anonymous said...

Why is Ms. Mirren the bad guy. What she went through herself. and people are mad at her and the fan club. That's just crazy. Where is people's minds. I read the interview had no problem with that. What are this people only headline readers? I like the fact reading watching her interviews she tells it how it is. She doesn't change her story to make others happy. I just don't get there are people on this earth just waiting to hate someone.

Anonymous said...

So many negative feedbacks that I felt I had to had to say something. I believed Helen was trying to say that:
"Times were different back then, than it is today. Society wasn't as understanding as it is today. Today we have more police woman on the force, society is more inclined to believe a woman than then, and I agree that women today are more incline to say No F.... off that is why date-rape drug is used more often today. I believe Helen was only speaking from her experience and not advocating to all women not to make charges against their attackers but implying that today you can make a difference so don't hold back." I have posted a number of these in her defence to Mirren under fire over 'date rape' comments and I send her a big hug from me and hope she doesn't loose too much sleep over this. As for the cocaine use well, we all make mistakes; I know I have. As Oprah says 'when we know better, we do better!". HMAS Heather Ranger

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with HAMAS statement: Helen is so wonderful just because is so sincere.
To her all my love and support
Kathya HAMAS member from Italy

Anonymous said...

She was just honest to admit that you don't go to a man's bedroom if you don't want to have sex with him and then you bring him to court!!!
Anyway she's the only one who speaks the truth!

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with the post. In fact I applaud it, I was so angry by the number of web-site hits saying such hateful things. I guess my problem is I just don't understand that kind of anger. I am saddened that Helen was taken advantage a long time ago. I imagine it has made her a stronger person. I like her honesty and comfort in herself. I so wish I had it in me. That's why I appreciate her. It's hard for us to see people use her comments against her and these are the kinds of forums that are important - to show our support. I ask others to post support too. It is a way that we can assist in spreading love not hate. Best to Helen and fans - Jenni Mosher

Anonymous said...

I also agree with whay they said. I really don't know why people were making such a big deal about it? So she snorted what she also played the Queen of England and won an Oscar for it. Obviously it didn;t damage her....also people are crusifying her over what she said which was baised on what she felt, and went through. Instead of loving and praising her for coming out w/ it. Rape is a BIG danm deal! Why didn;t people say WOW, such an amazing woman had her innocense taken from her at a young age and over came the hard ship. I think she should be commended! And yes it is herd to take a rape case to court. It is almost more if the woman or man feel violated.... there are the obvious rape cases then there are the VERY GRAY cases. Which often comes down to a "he said, she said" case. A very close friend of mine was raped and didn;t pres charges b/c one she would have to see in in court, and two they were drinking(he sliped something in her drink) and woke up in a bloody bed. She doesn't remember anything from that how do you build a case on no memory. Yes there is the physical evidence, but that wasn't around back then. Remember Helen MIrren as a young girl was very develpoed and had a very attractive figure which led people to look at her as a blond bimbo. So in her mind she was probably thinking "who's going to believe me...I'm an essex girl...." I adore this woman! I was SHOCKED that she was speeking so openly and freely about it. Helen MIrren is a strong, independent, succesful woman. SHe is a GREAT role model for anyone! Even the fact that she didn;t take back any of the "statements" she made shows she is a woman of her word and has alot of intergerity.

mirren said...

i totally support this post
i think it verymuch that people many criticims have to helen
that make me angry
helen is a wonderful person an i hate the people that helen attacks with criticims
helen mirren is a strong,fantastic woman
to her all my love and support
helen i love you

connie hamas member from netherland