Friday, June 11, 2010

Thanks for the memories: HMAS closing

It is with sadness that we announce the closing of The Helen Mirren Appreciation Society and this website. The HMAS has had a 13 year history, filled with wonderful experiences, fun meetings with Helen, lively discussion and good friendships. We are shutting our doors, effective later this summer, and by mutual agreement transferring the domains over to Helen's management.

The members of the HMAS continue to support and admire Helen Mirren and will be found wherever Helen appears on screen or stage, as well as participating in the variety of other options for online conversation.

We encourage fans to visit Helen's new website:

Current and former HMAS members are welcome to join the newly created Facebook Group - The Helen Mirren Appreciation Society (HMAS) to reconnect and continue to admire Helen together.

Best regards,
Ann and Nadine
Administrators of the HMAS


Gloria said...

Ann, your devotion and time and money and loyalty to HM will always be respected by HMAS. Thank you for all your hard word and generousity.

What a shame! After all these years of excellent, professional coverage of all things Helen for her management to take over is simply, well, HOW HOLLYWOOD.

For how many years have I been proud to say I am Mirreneer #10? No more.

The Oscar win did nothing for Helen Mirren but put celebrity in her eyes.

Unknown said...

Thanks to you and your site, I found my soulmate. 2 Helen fans brought together as a couple. i'll always be grateful