Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mirren criticizes BBC

- from an article for Digital Spy by Daniel Kilkelly

Dame Helen Mirren has described the BBC as a "disgrace" for releasing misleading footage of Queen Elizabeth.
Helen Mirren as the Queen

The actress, who played Elizabeth II in the Oscar Award-winning movie "The Queen" last year, was shocked by the misleading trailer for its documentary "A Year With The Queen", which appeared to show the monarch storming out of a photo-shoot with photographer Annie Leibowitz.

Speaking to Sir David Frost on Al Jazeera English TV news, Mirren said that the corporation was "idiotic", adding: "The BBC should have known better. I think it was a disgrace."

The BBC has since apologized for its mistake.


Anonymous said...

I'm really glad she criticised the BBC for their shameless trashing of the Queen. Those at the helm of the BBC are notorious anti-Establishment leftist who have a very distinct air against the monarchy and anything that smacks of tradition. It is quite amazing to note that the BBC has been investigated this year for anti-American and anti-Semitic bias in its presentation of stories. That news has even reached us here, in South Korea. I'm surprised at nothing when it comes to the BBC now. Good job, Ms. Mirren, for standing up for what is right !

Anonymous said...

I was in London when BBC showed images of Queen Elizabeth dashing off the Annie Leibovitz photo session. Frankly, I don't see the big deal. It's much ado about nothing. And what surprises most is Helen Mirren's reaction to it.
For a former anti-monarchist herself, I think she's overreacting.
After all, Helen Mirren did mime the Queen's walk at Oprah's after the Oscars. She imitated the Queen's voice saying things like: " My husband and I... " and there was so fuss about it.
Anyway, we have all understood that " THE QUEEN " is a propaganda movie whose aim is to give audiences a more human and kind approach of the British royal family. Especially on Diana's tenth death anniversary. But one only has to see real videos to realise that Queen Elizabeth didn't care at all at Diana's funeral. But she did care when she had to give away her beloved the point of crying. Ten years later, people will remember the " kind " images of " THE QUEEN " instead of the truth.
I do believe Helen Mirren should let go of this movie and this role.
However, I do support her concerning the fact that " Elizabeth I " wasn't even nominated at the BAFTAs. It's really a shame because " Elizabeth I " is a great film. Everything is perfect in it: script, actors, music, costumes. And Helen Mirren is the most stunning Elizabeth I. She's perfect !

Anonymous said...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The QUEEN"!
....... OUR DAME....

ILYENA LYDIA VASILIEVNA MIRONOV (Mironoff)Essex, Ilford 26.07.1945

.....known to all as simply..

Anonymous said...

Hasn't the public learned from Princess Diana's death

Like most tabloid news.. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING....

When the film came out Helen won every award offered along with an Academy Award Oscar for her protrayal of the Queen. The world loved the movie and Helen Mirren and found more respect for Queen Elizabeth II. Say no more!