Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Bikini that shook the world

Jaws dropped all over the world as a photograph of Helen Mirren in a red bikini, first published in Britain's Daily Mail newspaper last week, was reprinted in newspapers and on websites everywhere. Mirren turns 63 on Saturday.
Pasted Graphic

"The dazzling sight of Helen Mirren frolicking in her red bikini in this week’s papers gave an awful lot of women an awful lot to think about. I imagine for the most part, their thoughts were like mine - one-tenth admiring and nine-tenths green with envy and self-digust"

HMAS member Barrie Smith, 61, from South Carolina was contacted by a producer for BBC Live Five to participate in a segment where a panel of various cultural "experts" discussed the idea of people finding a 60-something woman attractive in a bikini. "I firmly believe that Helen Mirren has caused a paradigm shift" says Barrie. "There are an awful lot of women who need an example, a role model" - and Helen seems to set the bar for beauty, irrespective of age.