Sunday, May 27, 2007

Mirren in Gaza

Helen Mirren is set to star in a new film set in the strife-torn Gaza Strip. Mirren will portray one of the few Jewish women left in the Strip. Her daughter, a journalist, is having a relationship with a Palestinian but is shot and killed.

"It's much more a human interest story rather than a political one," said Andy Harries whose company, Left Bank Pictures, is making Gaza.
"The movie is inspired by events in Gaza and not by any particular real incident." Frank Deasy, the scriptwriter who wrote the final Prime Suspect, and Philip Martin, the director, were due in Gaza in April to continue their research. But the kidnapping of Alan Johnston, the BBC correspondent, has made it too dangerous. Instead the filming will take place in Jordan.

Friday, May 18, 2007

"Helen and Taylor Dig Our Duds!"

The fun and enthusiastic owners of clothing company Livi'n Out Loud, rejoiced when they learned that Helen Mirren and husband Taylor Hackford liked the Liv'n Out Loud t-shirts they received in their Sundance Film Festival gift bags. The liked them so much that they
Livn Out Loud

immediately ordered several shirts for themselves and their friends. Apparently following the motto "If it's good enough for Hel and Tay it's good enough for us" the members of the Helen Mirren Appreciation Society flooded Liv'n Out Loud with orders. It seems that the HMAS is a miny force of nature economically speaking, something that the group has demonstrated many times in its 10-year history with coordinated donations to Oxfam, support of an LA homeless center, ongoing support of the HMAS website, impromptu travel grants for needy members so that they can attend Helen Mirren plays and get-togethers and more.

New website design

The third makeover of the HMAS website was started today. Made possible by the generous donations by several members, particularly Harrison, and to tireless tester, our MirrenTalk and photo moderator Nadine. Special thanks to them, to Anne Petree and Elaine for film reviews and all the others who contributed material and support.
New website design